Here's a great collection of some of the best inspirational travel books out there that pretty much answer every travel question you could have.
Rolf Potts' Vagabonding is the instruction bible for long-term travelers. It's a comprehensive resource and guide in one.

How to Travel the World on $50 a Day
Nomadic Matt's awesome book on the hows of full-time traveling including tons of useful details, tips and tricks.

How to Travel Full-Time
Colin of Exile Lifestyle covers everything about traveling as a lifestyle, including packing tips, practical details and more.

Big Travel Small Budget
Ryan of Desk to Dirtbag wrote this awesome resource on world travel with how to travel well for less money.

The Happiness of Pursuit
Chris Guillebeau's books spark inspiration and wanderlust, especially since he's been to every country in the world.

The Geography of Bliss
An entertaining tale of happiness and unhappiness, investigations and stories from around the world.

The 4-Hour Workweek
This Tim Ferriss classic is the ultimate location independent lifestyle how to guide. Learn to live, work and travel better.

What I Was Doing While You Were Breeding
This hilarious memoir makes you want to immediately start having fun adventures.

How Not to Travel the World
Lauren of Never Ending Footsteps tells hilarious tales of her adventures and mishaps on her world travels.

The Ultimate Guide To Travel The World
A comprehensive guide by Norbert of GloboTreks on how to be a location independent digital nomad anywhere.