How do you make money travel blogging?
It's the number one question asked immediately after the words "I'm a travel blogger" are spoken.
Sometimes we just say we are writers, because the truth is travel blogging can be difficult to explain, and the income earned is completely unique for everyone.
Forbes says people trust people, so fundamentally, we are influencers.
We are content creators, writers, photographers, and in my case, eaters of lots of food.
I've called it a game before, and it really is - except there's no rulebook and you're only rewarded if and when you play well enough.
The name of the game is "Mastering Multiple Streams of Income", so get comfortable with being uncomfortable and you're golden.
Some months you'll earn less, some you'll earn more, and you'll never really be able to accurately predict your income, but that risk of uncertainty is the price you pay for the freedom from bills, a boss, a job, or anything else that sucks.
Since this is the most common question I get asked, here's an explanation of some of the top ways that work for both myself and other successful travel bloggers.
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
As website owners, travel bloggers can charge for advertising in many different forms, from links to ads.
These partnerships are directly negotiated with brands.
Fees are usually charged per link, ad, or mention, and can range anywhere from several hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on where it goes and for how long.
Bloggers can also use monetizing platforms that have comprehensive advertising networks already established, which serve ads automatically adjusted to a content or audience.
These passive income money makers earn according to views and/or clicks so it's fairly easy to generate a few hundred or even a few thousand dollars a month without any work at all.

"If you don't value your time, neither will others. Stop giving away your time and talents - start charging for it."
Kim Garst
sponsored content
Sponsored content on the bloggers's website can be an original article that a blogger is commissioned to write about a brand or a topic wherein a company's link is placed, or it can be entirely pre-written articles, submitted by the brand's staff writers, that the blogger simply posts on their website.
Often, publishers will contact the bloggers directly to commission them to produce and publish the content.
There's also a more proactive approach - by joining an influencer marketing platform, bloggers can pick and choose which brand to work with, and what content to create, whenever they want.
The prices for sponsored content are usually based on the amount of work required from the blogger, as well as the page views and/or reach of the account, and can easily soar into the high hundreds or thousands.
It's important to know your worth and choose a fair price that reflects the value of the service you are providing.
“I’d rather hustle 24/7 than slave 9 to 5.”
social media
Sponsored content can also be done solely though a social media profile.
Bloggers can receive payments for a post to advertise the brand's product or service to their own followers.
This can be quite lucrative and influencers often earn several hundred or thousand dollars per post.
brand ambassadorships
Bloggers can enter into brand ambassadorships, bespoke contracts, with certain brands that can last from a few months to a year.
The blogger agrees to advertise the brand for a set amount of time, most often in the absence of major competitors, and with a specified amount of advertising, social media exposure, and dedicated content.
These are often several thousand dollar deals, with top influencers earning a cool $20K.
"If plan A fails, remember there are 25 more letters."
Chris Guillebeau
affiliate programs
Bloggers can earn commission through affiliate links placed on their website.
These work when purchases are made through the links, and at no additional cost to the buyer.
Affiliate programs work best for bloggers if they're consistent with the blogger's niche, so they make sense to refer to readers, and likewise provide a relevant, and worthy, product or service.

Affiliate programs can work a few different ways.
You can use pay per lead programs that earn a flat commission per lead.
You can sign up directly through the companies' own affiliate program and manage everything on a dedicated dashboard.
Or you can use a marketplace, which matches influencers with brands to make connections.
Affiliates can easily provide a passive monthly income of several hundred bucks or more.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
Thomas A. Edison
referral credits
Referral credits or rewards can be as valuable as money if they are from companies that you already use, since they can save you from paying out of pocket.
I use referral programs of sites that I use and like, like Trusted Housesitters.
I'm happy to recommend them, and the credit earned saves me money, so it's a no brainer.
Don't underestimate the value of credit - it's just as good as money if it saves you yours.
They may be small potatoes, but they're free potatoes, and who doesn't like free potatoes? They're where fries come from, and fries are awesome.
Bloggers can earn income from writing review articles about their personal experience with products or services.
These can be paid, or can be simply in exchange for said product or service, or both.
I sometimes do food reviews, since I love to eat, and I also like sharing just how easy it is to eat vegan food anywhere in the world.
I sometimes do reviews for other travel brands such as gear, hotels, apparel, transportation, and attractions.
Reviews can earn anywhere from several hundred to several thousand in product, value, and payment.
Try out some or all these methods, see what works for you, and tweak as needed.
The most important thing is to first get started travel blogging!