The all-time best squeaky clean vegan beauty brands.
Rub a dub dub.
the body shop
This classic brand, forever against animal testing, makes every body product you can think of and more.
Find The Body Shop stores all around the world.

original source
These yummy body washes, lotions and butters come a gazillion different fun scents and colors.
Find Original Source in stores all around the world.

Deliciously luxurious bath and body products made from fruits and vegetables by a company that believes in naked packaging, ethical buying, and fighting animal testing.
Find Lush stores worldwide.
Lush solid products are great for zero waste travel.
dr bronner's
The ultimate all-in-one organic castile soap with a million uses, this stuff is pretty much liquid gold.
Find Dr. Bronner's products anywhere in the world.

skyn iceland
Sourced from the pristine beauty of Iceland, these skincare products are as perfect as the land they hail from.
Try the luxurious Skyn Iceland.

Natural deodorant that not only works great, but smells great, too.
Try out Schmidt's to smell fantastic.

herban cowboy
For the sexiest scents around, this PeTA-certified line has attractive products for men and women, including deodorants, colognes, sprays, soaps, body washes, lotions, and shaving creams.
Good luck trying to find the best scent at Herban Cowboy.

kiss my face
Body products, haircare, sunscreen, toothpaste and more, this brand is an OG in the vegan beauty scene and it shows.
Try all the Kiss My Face products.

beauty without cruelty
Skincare, haircare, body care, makeup, and aromatherapy round out this classic brand, another pillar in the vegan beauty scene.
You can always rely on BWC for quality products.