House sitting allows you to explore off the beaten path travel destinations all over the world.
Whether you find yourself living in a bungalow in a quaint village, a rustic cabin in the woods, or a luxury retreat in the jungle - house sitting lets you totally immerse yourself in a lesser known area that you'd probably otherwise never get to experience.

Be a traveler, not a tourist
Most people want to be a real traveler, and not a tourist, or a country counter.
A tourist only gets a superficial glimpse of a location, staying at commercial hotels, eating in inauthentic restaurants, and only seeing popular tourist attractions.
A traveler, on the other hand, goes off the beaten path, explores lesser known destinations, and has a truly genuine experience that is more real, unique, and ultimately, way more interesting.

Live like a local
When house sitting, you are literally living just like a local does, in a local's house.
You get to experience daily life in the home, in the community, shopping locally, and interacting with others.
And the best part of house sitting is the pets to care for, so you get to spend your time getting lots of love and having endless fun with furry friends.
Explore local delicacies
When exploring off the beaten path travel, you get to find all sorts of local delicacies, street foods, and markets that you would never find otherwise.
Try the popular street foods that all the locals are all eating, or stop in an open market to discover freshly made baked goods, fried foods, sweet treats, drinks, and more tasty noms.

Discover hidden gems
When you explore non-touristy locations, you also get to discover local hidden gems such as shops, cafes, bakeries, and markets.
The best rule of thumb - whatever it is, if it's full of locals, then it's good.
There is no end to the amazing foods and great restaurants all over the world.
When you're house sitting, you have plenty of time and opportunity to explore and discover the local area and find what you love.
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